Saturday, September 29, 2012

Video: 'Bagel Head' saline injection, new Japanese body-mod trend

Japanese women have introduced a new fashion trend in answer to Western Botox ? saline injections to the forehead that produce a bagel-shaped lump. The new fad is part of the extreme body modification art trend involving tattoos, piercings, and implants
According to National Geographic Taboo, the body-mod "beauty treatment" (as Asian women judge) involves inserting a needle into the forehead and injecting 400 cc of saline that creates a mound or blob on the forehead. The technician then presses a thumb into the middle of the blob to create a depression or indention that forms the characteristic "bagel shape."

But why do Japanese women rate as "beauty treatment" what would seem to Western women an unsightly deformation of the forehead. According to The Huffington Post, a Japanese artist Keroppy, gives an explanation that is unlikely to satisfy those cultured in Western aesthetic tastes: "People who like extreme body modification want to find their own way of doing things, and they?re always looking for new ways to do that. The more progressive the scene gets, the more these people have to experiment and go their own way."

Fortunately, the "Bagel Head" injection treatment is not permanent. The baggy mound in the forehead fades after about 16 hours because the body absorbs the saline, The Huffington Post reports.

Could this Eastern version of Hollywood Botox catch on in the West? National Geographic's recent episode of Taboo, featured the Japanese fashion trend. According to The Herald Sun, the episode (see video above) shows three body-mod enthusiasts , John, Marin and Scorpian, undergoing the "beauty" treatment, each with a needle attached to a saline drip inserted into the forehead. Jezebel reports the episode of Taboo also featured Mary Jose, "who quit her job as a lawyer to begin a drastic makeover that included head-to-toe tattoos, facial implants, piercings, an teeth filed into fangs. She's now known as 'Vampire Woman," and "another woman Elaine Davidson... the most pierced woman in the world, with over 8000 holes in her body?she has 500 piercings in her genitals alone." Asami, the beauty technician administering the treatment on the three, says "You really need to do it the right way, to reduce the risks." John describes the process as feeling like "something's dripping down my head" and a "slight stinging sensation." He also reports an intense sensation that feels like the liquid is trickling down the side of his face. He asks: "Is there something dripping down my head? I can really feel it in there, trickling down." The process takes about two hours during which the "bagel-ee" grows accustomed to the sensations: John says: "Right now it's kind of a relaxing sensation, kind of tingly, and also a kind of building pressure that's kind of slow and steady that kind of feels like it's putting me to sleep." The Daily Mail reports the trend was introduced by Keroppy who said he first encountered it in Toronto Canada in 1999 at an extreme body modification convention. He said: "I happened to meet Jerome, who was the person who pioneered saline infusions." He explained: "We stayed in contact, then eventually I experienced saline with him in 2003 and he gave me permission to bring it to Japan." According to Keroppy, the saline injection can be done on other parts of the body. Some people go for "scrotal infusions," he explained. Keroppy says there is a rise in popularity of "saline parties" in Japan. After receiving a saline bagel treatment, people take off to clubs and fetish parties to "enjoy being [bagel] freaks for the night."


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